Installing polyethylene drinking water pipes in Deir Hassan village (pumping line from the well to
the main tank and another line from the main tank to the main line of the village)
In addition to implementation of drinking water pipelines from
the main tank to the camps surrounding the village of Deir Hassan (Zamzam camp – Ataa camp – Abtin camp – Al-Rahma camp – Al-Ghab camp – Nassim Al-Rahma camp 1 – Bansaem Al-Rahma camp 2)
Providing and installing10 m3 capacity polyethylene tanks
and its connecting them with the main network that connected to the main tank in Deir Hassan,
In addition to the works of connecting water from
The puplic tanks (10 m3 polyethylene tanks) to the housed used private tanks in the aforementioned camps.

The project supervising authority: